Introduction to TikZ

Learning Objectives:

  • What is TikZ?
  • Basic setup of TikZ
  • Demand and Supply Diagram

What is TikZ?

TikZ is the package in LaTeX that allows drawing of nice diagram. See the following exmaple:

Demand and Supply

How to generate this graphic? By the following code:

\draw [thick,<->] (0,10) node[above]{$P$}--(0,0)--(10,0) node[right]{$Q$};
\node [below left] at (0,0) {$0$};
\node [below] at (5,0) {$Q^*$};
\node [left] at (0,5) {$P^*$};
\draw (1,1)--(9,9) node[right]{$S$};
\draw (1,9)--(9,1) node[right]{$D$};
\draw[dashed] (0,5)--(5,5)--(5,0);

Loading tikZ Package

To load the TikZ package, we just need to use the function \usepackage{tikz}

Hello World!

Then start the drawing environment that begins with \begin{tikzpicture} and ends with \end{tikzpicture}.

...TikZ codes to put here...

To draw a straight line, use \draw, and specify the coordinates. Remember ending the each line of code by semicolon.


To add description, we use \node and specifiy the coodinates after at.

  \node at (2,5) {Hello, this is $\alpha$};

Then we can draw the demand and supply diagram above:

  \draw [thick,<->] (0,10) --(0,0)--(10,0);
  \node [above] at (0,10) {$P$};
  \node [right] at (10,0) {$Q$};
  \node [below left] at (0,0) {$0$};
  \draw (1,1)--(9,9);
  \node [right] at (9,9) {$S$}
  \draw (1,9)--(9,1);
  \node [right] at (9,9) {$D$};
  \draw [dashed] (0,5)--(5,5)--(5,0);
  \node [below] at (5,0) {$Q^*$};
  \node [left] at (0,5) {$P^*$};

Above we have used some decoration of the lines.

  • Line pattern: For dashed line, use \draw[dashed].
  • Arrows: For arrows at the tips, use \draw[<->].
  • Thickness: For thicker line, use \draw[thick].

To shift the location of the nodes, we use \node[location] where location can be below/left/right/above/below left.
